Interview with Hendri about the Roparun

Running for charity

This weekend, another edition of the Roparun is taking place. The Roparun is a relay race that is over 500 kilometres long and aims to raise money for palliative care. Our colleague Hendri will be running again this year! We asked him what exactly the Roparun entails and why he is participating.

Can you explain what the Roparun is?

The Roparun is a relay race, the purpose of which is to raise money for charity. The money raised goes towards palliative care: supportive care for cancer patients. It is not for medicine and the like, but rather to add to patients' quality of life. The motto eloquently states, ' Adding life to the days, when often no more days can be added to life'. With the money raised, the lives of people with cancer and their loved ones are made more pleasant and bearable.

The Roparun is a big event held once a year, in which I am participating for the third time this year. It is a relay race totalling 550 kilometres. There are two routes; my team runs the route from Enschede to Rotterdam and the other route is from Paris to the Netherlands. One takes part in the Roparun as a team. The team is divided into two groups. Both groups consist of four runners, two cyclists, a van and a navigator. Group 1 starts running: they run in relay for five hours after which they are alternated by group 2. The four runners in the group take turns running two kilometres, constantly alternating. When five hours are up, they are alternated by the other group, which then runs for five hours in the same way. The first group can then rest for five hours: they use this time to eat, shower and sleep. This is repeated until the 550 kilometres have been completed. This takes about 48 hours, and during this time we run non-stop. No matter if it is raining or the sun is shining!

We start Saturday at 14:45 in Enschede. Monday, Whit Monday, we will arrive at 14:45 on the Coolsingel in Rotterdam.

You already mentioned that the Roparun raises money for palliative care. Does this involve one charity or are there several?

The overarching cause is palliative care, but the money raised is divided among several charities. Part of the money raised goes to various hospices and care facilities, for example, to furnish them more pleasantly or to purchase necessary materials. Another example is that part of the money is used to organise outings or holidays for people who are ill. An overview of supported charities can be found on the Roparun website.

What is your reason for taking part in the Roparun?

It is a fun event to take part in. For me, this is the only way I can help people who are sick. I am not a doctor and have not studied medicine, so I cannot help in that way. But through my hobby, running, I can raise money to help these people have a slightly more pleasant life.

MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAsponsors your team, can you elaborate on that?

MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAis our clothing sponsor, so we run in MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAsportswear. MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAsponsors us for three years, of which this is the second year. They do this because I participate and they want to support me. Last year Ilse also participated, so two employees took part. Moreover, MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAis a socially involved company; we are open to things like this.

The run is approximately 550 kilometres, roughly how many kilometres will each participant run?

Each participant runs about 70 kilometres. This is because there are some parts that you run together with several runners. Some parts you want to run, even if it's not your part. How great is it if everybody runs through Almelo together, for example? By doing so, you cover more distance than just your part.

What did you do to train for this event?

I run regularly. I run twice a week and I also work out once a week to train my core, for example. It's important to make sure to stay fit. Once you're at a certain level, it's just a matter of maintaining it.

Can people still donate?

They certainly can! You can sponsor our team using this link:

Hendri, thanks for answering our questions. Good luck this weekend!