Written Articles about Vivochem
Here you will find a selection of the articles written by and about Vivochem. We regularly highlight a product, service or process and are delighted to tell you about it in a blog.
Tom Bode, Lead Buyer BÜFA Group
Five years ago, Tom Bode began working at Vivochem, never imagining he would end up in strategic procurement. Now, three years into his role as a strategic buyer, he focuses daily on inventory management, supplier relations, and category management.
The importance of customs with chemical export
We spoke with Chantal Bisschop, who oversees customs-related and logistics matters related to imports and exports. She provides us with insight into the work of the export department and its cooperation with Customs.
From coal to chemical distribution: The story of founder Piet Vogelzang and Vivochem
We spoke with Piet Vogelzang, the founder of Vogelzang Chemicaliën, to discuss the company's founding, its history, and his perspective on the current company and future prospects.
Protect your pipelines this winter with MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAIndustrial Coolants
It's going to be cold again. That means your installations and pipes need protection against the freezing cold. MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAIndustrial Coolants offer solutions for these challenges.
A conversation with Gerwin Kok: a glimpse behind the scenes at BÜFA-Care
At BÜFA-Care, the focus extends beyond just selling detergents; the team offers comprehensive solutions for their customers. This includes everything from dosing systems to programming washing machines and tunnel washers
Practical learning environment for Hanze and Saxion students
Damian and Justin, two students from the University of Groningen (RUG), along with Jeroen, Ruben, Simaw and Wouter, four students from Saxion University of Applied Sciences, are currently working on several research projects at Vivochem.
Meet Matthijs Meinen from BÜFA-Care!
Today we would like to introduce you through an interview to Matthijs Meinen, one of the enthusiastic salespeople of BÜFA-Care. Read on to discover what Matthijs' typical working day looks like, what he gets energy from and how he found his way to BÜFA-Care!
Inside Vivochem's safety measures: An interview with Gert Mulders
MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAcomplies with the strictest safety requirements and consistently ensures that safety is maintained. We asked Gert Mulders, our safety coordinator, to explain some of the safety measures we have in place.
A day with... Marcel, doorman at Vivochem
Marcel is usually the first point of contact when you visit Vivochem, and his day starts early in the morning. His responsibilities are critical for maintaining security and ensuring the smooth running of our daily operations.
Running for charity
This weekend, another edition of the Roparun is taking place. The Roparun is a relay race that is over 500 kilometres long and aims to raise money for palliative care. Our colleague Hendri will be running again this year! We asked him what exactly the Roparun entails and why he is participating.
The importance of health within Vivochem
Our employees spend a large part of their time at Vivochem. Therefore, we feel that it is important to pay attention to their health. But what does MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAdo to promote the health of its employees? And why is this so important? Find out how our HR manager Helen views this topic in this interview.
World Water Day | Interview Judith le Fèvre, Co-owner of Ferr-Tech
On the occasion of World Water Day, we asked Co-owner of Ferr-Tech, Judith le Fèvre, a number of questions about the importance of World Water Day, the development of FerSol® and how she envisions the future of (waste) water.
Interview Sustainability
During this interview with Felix Thalmann, CEO of the BÜFA Group, our colleague Daniel addresses sustainability, which is becoming more important in society's daily life. In this blog and the interview video, you will read and see how BÜFA Group integrates sustainability within their company.
The Differences Between Deionized and Distilled Water
With pure water, a distinction is made between deionized water and distilled water. In this blog you can read more about the differences and applications of both types.
Sodium Chloride and Potassium Chloride
The season of winter often brings a lot of fun, yet it could also cause a lot of dangerous situations due to the slipperiness of roads. The solution for this is road salt. In this blog we address both sodium chloride and potassium chloride as road salt.
ADR Storage / Warehousing | Blog
Read in this blog everything about ADR Storage / Warehousing. And about the various chemicals that can be stored at Vivochem.
Chemical Packaging
Chemical raw materials should be packed in approved ADR packaging. In this blog, we will address the sorts of packaging MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDApossess and their characteristics.