MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAoffers deionized water. However, what exactly is deionized water? We can distinguish ‘pure’ water into two different varieties, namely deionized water and distilled water. In both varieties the salt is extracted from the water, however, the method and outcome differ. Continue to read this blog to get to know more about these sorts of water and their differences, thus when you order your deionized water at MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAyou know what to expect.
How is Water Deionized?
Deionized water or furthermore known as; ionized water, demi water, or osmosis water, is water purified of all ions (salt and minerals) including; calcium, magnesium, and sodium. Which makes it suitable for various industries where the main intention is to prevent limescale build-up. From the water used to clean cars to the water used for the production of delicate products. However, keep in mind that organic molecules like viruses and bacteria are not extracted from deionized water.

Water can be demineralised by various approaches such as:
1. Ion exchange: Within this method, ion exchange is used. These consist of housing filled with synthetic resin. This eradicates undesired ions from an aqueous stream by exchanging them with less destructive ions.
2. Continue Deionization: This method is also called Electro Deionization and consists of membrane filtration and an ion exchanger. However, this method differs from the traditional ion exchange as there are no chemicals needed for the regeneration.
3. Reversible osmosis: Water is demineralised in this process by applying pressure to a membrane, in this case, a semipermeable membrane. In this method, considerable molecules are filtered.
4. Ultrafiltration: Similar to the reversible osmosis, applies ultrafiltration pressure on a membrane. However, this membrane filter is designed to filter minuscule particles and microorganisms from the water.

How is Water Distilled?
Distilled water is water in its purest form and is distilled via a distiller. A distiller operates by evaporating and cooling the water. Water is being heated until its boiling temperature, due to this process remain the contaminants at the bottom of the distiller. The clarified water vapour will ascend and is going to be collected and will be filtered once more by a carbon filter. Once the water is filtered by the carbon filter, distilled water remains, this water is 100% free of bacteria, parasites, viruses, and germs. Furthermore, the distilled water is 99,9% free of other pollutants such as heavy metals, toxins, and inorganic minerals. Due to the clarity of this water, is it mainly used for hospitals and the food industry, among other places.
The Difference Between Deionized and Distilled Water
Deionized and distilled water, are both water species that have all salt extracted from them. Nevertheless, there are some difference. Distilled water is considered purer in comparison to deionized water, however, the process is more expensive. Water is heated and cooled once more, which consumes a lot of energy. For this reason, is this process less sustainable and has a higher impact on the environment compared to the process of deionized water.
The process of deionized water consumes less energy. In this process, no chemicals are added and are therefore considered more sustainable. Deionized water has a similar or even better effect and outcome and thus deionized water could be the more sustainable and appropriate option.

Deionized Water from Vivochem
Are you curious about the delivery options of deionized water? Feel free to fill in our quotation form on our product page. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our staff who are happy to answer all your questions.

MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAis the B2B partner when it comes down to the distribution, storage, drumming, and export of commodity chemicals. With more than 130 years of experience in chemical distribution, we therefore can assure you of extensive knowledge, expertise, and know-how ready to guide you with all your processes.
More InformationContact Vivochem
Are you wondering if deionized water is a good solution for your application? Contact us or request a free quotation form. One of our employees will be happy to think along with you about the possibilities.