

MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAB.V. accepts no responsibility for and excludes all liability in connection with the information given underneath, including but not limited to any liability for errors, inaccuracies, omissions or misleading or defamatory statements.

Is the company a member of network or trade organisations?Yes, MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAis an active member of (amongst others): 

–          VHCP (includes Responsible Care) 
–          Safety Network Middle & East Netherlands 
–          Veiligheid Voorop 
–          Fenedex 
–          Fenex 
–          Duurzaam Netwerk Almelo
Number of employees:Ca. 80
What is the age of the plant?The plant was built in 2011. We doubled our warehouse capacity by expansion in 2015.
Are there any ethical principles within the company?Yes, BÜFA has a Corporate Compliance program, which is underscribed by every employee of Vivochem.
Are there objectives and targets in place to improve?Yes, besides commercial objectives, MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAhas a set of Key Performance Indicators to measure its Management Systems and processes.
Does MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAsupply First in First out?Yes, in general we apply FIFO.
Is there a healthy financial situation?Yes
Are the compulsory insurances taken out, such as a liability insurance?Yes
Laws and regulations
Does MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAcomply with all the relevant laws and regulations?Yes, we have a system in place that monitors changes in all relevant laws and regulations. Regularly we have internal and external audits to check the compliance.
What have been the results of inspections by authorised (government) bodies?In the last years there have been no significant deviations found during inspections. There have been proposals for improvement,  which have been realised.
Is MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAaffected by the Seveso III legislation?In The Netherlands it is the BRZO’15 legislation. Yes, MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAcomplies with this legislation in the high level (VR-plichtig).
Safety & Health Management
Is there a track record of incidents?Yes, we have a track record of incidents and near-misses that took place at our premises.
How is Safety Management experienced by employees?MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAconstantly monitors and sets out programmes to improves its Safety Culture with its employees.
Is there a Safety Management System in place?Yes, MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAhas a Safety Management System in place. It is based on the Dutch BRZO’15 legislation and the NTA8620 norm. The system is not externally certified, but however is intensively inspected by several authorised (government) bodies. The Safety Management System will be evaluated yearly on effectiveness by a Management Review.
Are all safety and health risks identified?Yes, there is a Risk Identification and Evaluation Report (RI&E) for Safety and Health issues. Besides this, there is an extensive Risk Analyses meeting the BRZO’15 standards.
Is there a policy to access the premises?Yes, every person entering the premises receives safety instructions. Hereafter, the person will receive a pass with which the necessary doors can be opened. This way, we can monitor which person is in which room during an incident. Depending on the purpose of the visit, visitors should wear required protective measures/clothing.  Truck drivers are obliged to speak English, German and/or Dutch. At the site there is camera surveillance.
Are there first aid facilities at the premises?Yes, we have a trained First Aid Team. In case of an emergency they will be contacted. This team will also evacuate the building if required. At the entrance there is an Automated External Defibrillator (AED).
Is there an emergency plan?Yes, there is a documented and exercised emergency plan.
Do you have a crisis plan for responding to emergency situations?Yes
Is there an installation for fire extinguishing?Yes, the whole building features a fire sprinkler installation (water and foam). This installation is certified by the relevant authorised bodies.
How is the maintenance of the building and installations arranged?MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAhas an intensive maintenance program for its installations and building. For this a software program is used, which ensures the timely maintenance by both external parties and our own technician.
Do you employ permanent maintenance staff?Yes
Are contract staff used for maintenance?Yes
Are all external contractors briefed on acceptable practices prior to working on site?Yes
Are records kept of maintenance work?Yes
Is equipment inspected and signed off following maintenance work?Yes
Are employees trained and educated? How is this ensured?Yes, employees are regularly trained (internally and/or externally) appropriate to their jobs. We have a training schedule which is continuously kept up-to-date. MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAhas an in-house E-learning programme for internal trainings. The training records are being kept.
Is the training conducted regularly reviewed for effectiveness?Yes
Are employees medically screened?Yes, employees have the possibility to join a medical screening program.
Do you run a introduction course for all new employees?Yes, this course contains safety and health issues.
Do you have a documented Management of Change procedure?Yes
Quality and environment
Is MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAISO-9001 and ISO-14001 certified?Yes, MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAis certified by SGS. This is a group certification with our mother company Büfa. The certificates can be found on our website, on which the validity date is mentioned.
Is there a formal ‘Document Control’ procedure in place.Yes
Is MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDApart of the Responsible Care program?Yes, MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAhas underscribed a policy declaration Responsible Care. This is audited every three years by an independent auditor.
Is the quality status of suppliers assessed?Yes
Is there a supplier selection and evaluation system?Yes. Every new supplier and its products are evaluated and approved against our standards. There is an evaluation system in place, based on the achievements of past purchase orders.
Is there a system for verifying and inspect the quality of incoming materials?Yes, the results are input for the supplier evaluation system.
Are all test and control instruments used to control the process calibrated?Yes, according to national standards
Are the filler scales or meters calibrated and certified on a periodic basis by an approved entity?Yes, during the filling of chemicals into packing we use scales. The scales are periodically calibrated and certified by the relevant authorised bodies. The maximum deviation percentage is +/- 1%-1,5%.
Does MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAhave a spill containment procedure in case of a leakage occurs?Yes
Are the floors in the warehouses sealed for liquids / impervious material?Yes, the floors in the warehouses are sealed for liquids, which prevents environmental damage in case of a leakage. The floors are regularly maintained and certified by a relevant authorised body.
Are the floors free from cracks and open joints?Yes, the floors are regularly maintained and certified by a relevant authorised body.
Are the quality and environmental management systems evaluated?Yes, the effectiveness of the systems are evaluated annually, by a Management Review.
Do you have internal audits?Yes, we do have an Internal Audit Program, covering every business-process. The internal auditors are trained. It is possible that the internal audits are performed by employees of the Büfa Group. If specific knowledge is not within the company, the ‘internal’ audits will be done by external consultants.
Does MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAhave an established procedure for handling complaints?Yes, we do have a complaint system.
Is a complaint analysis carried out at periodic intervals?Yes, a complaint analysis is carried out continuously and discussed by the management periodically. Summaries of complaints and/or trends are mentioned in the Management Review.
Is there a corrective and preventive action procedure defined and used?Yes
Does MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAhave a procedure for handling non-conforming products?Yes
Does MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAuse reconditioned packaging?Yes, for some products we use reconditioned IBC’s. These IBC’s are cleaned by an external professional cleaning company and marked accordingly. Every reconditioned IBC also undergoes a leakage-test.
Does MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAhave retained samples?Yes, of every product that has been drummed by our facilities a sample is retained.
Is every delivery accompanied by a certificate of analysis or certificate of conformity?Yes, we can supply certificate of analysis or certificate of conformity for every delivery for most of our products.
Would MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAbe willing to accept a visit for an EHSQ audit by a (potential) supplier or customer?Yes, MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAvalues sharing with other companies in the supply chain on EHSQ issues. We see this as an opportunity to continuously learn from each other.
Does MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAsend the Material Safety Data Sheets automatically?Yes, our system automatically send the MSDS of a product with the first delivery of a specific product. If this MSDS is updated, the customer will receive the updated version at the next delivery of the product.
Does MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAhave a procedure to master the specifications of incoming and outgoing products?Yes
Is MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAHACCP certified?Yes, MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAis certified by SGS. This is a group certification with our mother company Büfa. The certificates can be found on our website, on which the validity date is mentioned.
Is MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAGMP+ certified? (GMP+ certification Scheme Animal Feed Sector)Yes, MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAis certified by SGS; B3. This is a group certification with our mother company Büfa. The certificates can be found on our website, on which the validity date is mentioned.
Is MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAregistered at the Dutch government body nVWA?Yes, MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAis known by the government body under number PDV111860. For registration as mentioned under EU nr. 183/2005 art., MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAhas number aNL210388.
Is there an HACCP risk analysis?Yes, there is a document risk analysis covering all processes of the organisation. This analysis will be evaluated annually by the HACCP team.
Is the unloading packaging facility sheltered from the environment?Yes, the drumming facilities are indoors.
Is there an HACCP team?Yes, there is a HACCP team. The team consists out of trained members of different departments. Periodically, the team meets and discuss HACCP issues.
How are the employees trained on HACCP issues?We provide our employees with both internal and external training. We have a training schedule which is continuously kept up-to-date. MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAhas an in-house E-learning programme for internal trainings.
Does MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAperform internal audits?Yes, we do have an Internal Audit Program, covering every business-process. The internal auditors are trained. It is possible that the internal audits are performed by employees of the Büfa Group.
Are walls sound and finished with smooth impervious and easily cleaned material?Yes
Are junctions between floors and walls in production areas covered?Yes
How often are the premises checked for deterioration?We have a continuous Maintenance Program.
Does MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAoperate a high risk feed/food production area?No, we do not produce feed/food materials. We fill liquids in smaller packing using an automatic filling installation. Other materials will be bought at our supplier and sold to our customers without opening the packing.
Does the production area have positive air pressure?No
Does the production area have temperature control?No
Does the production area have an air filtration system?Yes
Do you run a introduction course for all new employees?Yes, this introduction includes Feed/Food Safety and Hygiene training.
Are changing facilities located away from production areas?Yes
Is protective clothing laundered externally by a specialist food laundry?Yes
Is the staff room for recreation and eating away from the production area?Yes
Are toilet and hand washing areas adequately separated from production areas?Yes
Do you apply pest control practices?Yes, we have an external accredited Pest Control contractor checking the premises regularly.
Do you have a glass policy?Yes
Do you have a glass breakage procedure?Yes
Do you carry out regular audits of glass on the premises?Yes
Are all products fully batch traceable?Yes
Can you trace finished products back to the supplier?Yes
Do you have a written product recall system with defined personnel responsibilities?Yes
Is the procedure regularly tested?Yes, annually.
Is MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAthe producer of the products they supply?No, we do not produce ourselves. For most products MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAis distributor, so acts as a ‘Down Stream User’ according REACH. Some products are imported by Vivochem/Büfa, here we act as ‘Importer’ according REACH.
Is the product MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAsupplies to me subject to the REACH regulations?Most of products are subject to the REACH regulation. Information can be found on our Material Safety Data Sheets of the specific product.
What is the REACH-number of the product MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAsupplies to me?This information can be found on the Material Safety Data Sheets. These documents will be send to you automatically at delivery of the first order, provided your email address is in our computer system.
Is the product MARIQUIMICA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO LTDAsupplies mentioned on the Article 95 list of the European Biocides Act?This information can be found on de Product Specification of the specific product.