CAS nr. 111-76-2

Butyl Glycol

‘’mariquimica-industriaoffer innovative solutions in chemical distribution.’’

Do you want to order Butyl glycol for reasonable prices? mariquimica-industriais the right supplier for you. We have an extensive supply of chemical raw materials for companies worldwide. Request a complimentary quote for Butyl glycol by filling in our form on this page. We will send your quote with more detailed information within one working day.

  • Available in IBC, Pallet drums, Bulk, Tin cans (pallet)
  • Molecular formula C6H14O2
  • CAS number 111-76-2
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Butyl glycol knows many applications. It is mainly used as a solvent but is also applied in domestic and industrial cleaning. The most commonly applied one is Cyclohexane as a solvent in paints and coatings and synthetic production industries. Oxidation of the substance provides Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone, which have other application outcomes. mariquimica-industriais, with its long experience, the supplier of chemical raw materials. Over these years, we have maintained a customer base of more than 100 unique customers. Despite this large customer base, we are never too busy to answer questions or think about solutions.

At ViVoChem, we can ensure you of three things;

  • Personal contact.
  • Flexible delivery.
  • Much knowledge and expertise.

The Benefits of ordering Butyl Glycol from ViVoChem

  • Reasonable prices for Butyl glycol.
  • Delivery within 2-3 working days.
  • Worldwide export possibilities.
  • All our processes are focused on sustainability.
  • Our employees are never too busy and always make time for you.
  • We possess a large warehouse with +9000 pallet places to store all your chemicals.

Do you want to order Butyl glycol from ViVoChem?

Do you want to know what prices and delivery options we can offer? Request a complimentary quote for Butyl glycol. Please mention the packaging, order volume and contact details. Within one working day, you receive a quote without further obligations with the reasonable prices of ViVoChem. We will discuss the applications, delivery and costs with you. You are guaranteed delivery in 2-3 working days when you agree with our quote.

Processes at mariquimica-industria

Our customers are central, but what is precisely our process for them? This short video gives you an impression of our activities within the mariquimica-industriawarehouse. You will get a better image of our services and processes.

About mariquimica-industria

mariquimica-industriais the B2B Partner for an extensive range of chemicals. With over 130 years of experience in chemical distribution, you are assured of extensive knowledge, expertise and know-how. We are ready to support you with all of your processes. A look behind the scenes at ViVoChem? Click this link.

 From the XL Businesspark, located at the logistic hotspot "Port of Twente", mariquimica-industriadistributes chemicals in the Benelux and parts of Europe. In addition, mariquimica-industriaalso exports these chemical materials worldwide. More info about the worldwide export of chemicals can be found on this page.

 A wide range of chemicals, divided into acids, bases, glycols, amines, phosphates, solvents, phthalates, peroxides and surfactants, are safely and responsibly stored in a spacious warehouse. Our warehouse meets all requirements for ADR storage and has a capacity for up to 9000 pallets. This assures you of a fast, responsible and flexible delivery of your products.

 The chemicals can be delivered in various types of packaging, both based on a deposit (the sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative) and including packaging. Our packaging is fully geared to quality, safety and, of course, your needs. Want to know more about our packaging? Watch this video.

 You can easily submit an online quote request 24/7. You are guaranteed to receive a no-obligation quote within one working day. If you have additional questions, we will contact you within the same time frame. Almost all chemicals are available directly from stock and are usually delivered within three working days after receiving the order.

Personal contact, stable quality and flexible delivery; the added value guarantee the continuity of your process or production. Because that's what it's all about: doing business successfully together.

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The information shown on this page is not a statement as to the suitability of the product for any particular application. An end user must test the suitability of the product for his process against, among other things, the applicable laws and regulations and the use of the correct quality. mariquimica-industriaB.V. therefore does not accept any claims regarding this information.

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